
Being a Parent in Parent Teacher Conference

We always say that schooling is second home for our kids, the most important one. We as parents think our babies are the world, but parent teacher conferences teach us otherwise: that they are not the rock stars we think they are. My daughter is an ardent reader, and we were so proud   of that fact, until we attended a PT conference, that made us realize something. Yes, she reads, a lot, she loves to hold a book everywhere she goes – but that’s fiction, she loves, her comics, her story books. And then one day, we were told by her teacher, “Excuse me, I’m not upgrading her to another level because the non-Fiction she reads, she doesn’t understand, she’s not learning.” This sentence hit us like a ton of bricks… Damaaal! “What ! What are you saying Teacher ! She loves reading, she’s reading all the time.” What we realized, (after we took a second to calm down) is that in her speed she’s overlooked something very basic:   punctuation, commas   and full stops. It’s what hel